Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Vail Church

Waking up at 6:00 is a little weird. But when you have so much to look forward to and the sun is brighter than usual it is hard to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, after doing a few morning activities I dozed off, only to awake to one of the project members calling me to tell me we were leaving for church. Ironic.

"The Vail Church" turned out really well. The congregation isn't huge, the people seemed very kind and connected, the pastor seemed like a godly man who takes his cues from Christ. Love everyone that I met there. The worship was great to. Like I said yesterday, it was just awesome to be in a group of believers.

Got to do a little hiking today. It wasn't much at all, just up the side of a mountain (might seem like a bit, but when your already on the side of the mountain its not as long). I got some photos, and I would love to upload them, but I haven't gotten a cord for my phone quite yet. Hoping to invest in one soon.

Closed the day out with a meeting with our family groups. This was really encouraging. We were all able to share life stories, pray and eat dinner with each other. So overall a good day. I'm definetely getting used to this elevation. Though my heart is beating a little harder than normal still. Hopefully my body will calm down soon.

Christ is sufficient.


Unknown said...

Glad church went well. Sounds like you liked it O.K.
Your family group sounds good.
Actually, everything sounds good. Glad it is all going well. Thanks again for writing in the blog. Love you, Mom

Unknown said...

Hey, I thought that was German that you wrote yesterday but I didn't know what it said... now I know. Good job. If only Steff could see you now using German and all!
Just looked at my last post, and I don't know what is up with the time because it is actually 5am, NOT 2am. But maybe that is the time there in Colorado.
Got to run. Bye, Mom