Thursday, June 19, 2008

I saw a marmot

So these past few days have continued to be busy. Work and more work and then some more CRU stuff. But as you can probably assume, it's all good. More opportunities have come up in work. People are hanging out with us CRU kids outside of work and the relationships that are present only at work have gotten stronger. So Christ is working through us. I pray that our relationship with people continues to grow, that we are given an opportunity to share Christ with them, and that we will be able to continue to draw our strength from God.

I have not yet been able to find an outlet to speak about Christ. Though today I was able to play some music in the Kitchen from my Ipod. This might seem insignificant, but they saw that I have some music that they know and like, and at the same time I was able to play some things that had a lot of Christian influence (FIVE IRON FRENZY!!!!).

Overall I want the people I meet to know that Christ died for them and that God loves them. But that they need to realize him as their savior AND their King. I don't doubt that some people in Vail would claim to be saved by knowing of God, but they don't know HIM. The personal relationship is key. Being saved by faith in Jesus Christ as one who came as a perfect man and as God, and died on the cross for our sins.

Side Note: Went hiking yesterday with four other guys. It was awesome. We made it up to a world class ice climbing location called "the fang". It is an area with two waterfalls that form frozen columbs in the winter, and sheets of ice on the rock faces beside the walls. Thus creating amazing climbing. It was an awesome hike that ended with us sitting in hamocks (courtesy of Allen, Jared, and Eric) reading God's word and praying. Not too bad for a night of reflection. Here is a link to some pictures. By the way, this past saturday we went on a hike to an area called "hanging lake" and "spounting rock". This was about a mile and a quarter hike that led to a mountain side lake. Phenomenal. We were able to climb up a ridge as well and get higher than the lake (some of the pictures try to show this without much avail). All in all it was simply amazing. Anyways, I digress, the pictures are posted here.

and here is a video of the falls:
If you look closely, when I look from one fall to the other you can see a rescue sled. It's left up there for the climbers, lets you know how dangerous of a climb it is.

Tommorow the guys and girls are splitting up. We are each going to different camping locations to spend the weekend. I am definetely looking forward to this experience. Hopefully we will all grow closer to one another and to Christ through sharing with one another what is going on in our lives (both praises, struggles, recent teachings, etc.). Of course, the fact that we get to hike and camp is exciting as well.

Also, I would like you guys to know that I never read these posts before I submit them. It's always just a type and post, so forgive any grammatical errors. And since it takes quite some time to upload/organize pictures and photos sometimes there is a lapse in my stream of counsciousness, so forgive me for that as well. Thanks again to all those who supported me this summer, your finances and prayers are very much appreciated, both by me and the other crusaders.

Pressing Issue/Subject of Learning: God wants me to rid myself of all selfish pride, and find my personal pride in Him alone.
Seems like everything I read in scripture and all the bible studies we have had point to this subject. I rejoice in the idea of God giving me more to bring me closer to Him. Sweet diggs.

I pray that you all are continuing to grow closer to Christ.

In Christ,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ty,
Holly here. I've really enjoyed reading about your summer. I'm super jealous that you're in Colorado! It's great that you're building new friendships, and I pray that you get the chance to witness to them! They will SEE God in you!
I hope your camping experience went well!
I'll keep you in my prayers!