Friday, May 29, 2009

1st one down

This week I think the grand total is 43 people groups mapped. Not too bad. My aim for the end of the summer is much higher, but I figure if I will just keep on going with it and hopefully get better daily.

The weekend is here. Good stuff.


Thursday, May 28, 2009


IMB is great - I get to research people groups from all over the world all day long. Which is really great, because I know nothing about almost every group I have worked on so far. To my surprise, my administrators have left all the subjectivity of where to place a group up to me.

My boss is a great guy, who always seems to be in a good mood.

I am realizing more and more how great of a life I have. This includes family, friends, school, etc.

I am getting better at the job, which is uber encouraging. Though I am plagued by waves of frustration.

I need to invest in relationships at work

I am waiting for other interns to get there so I have more people my age

I seem to always want to move faster than older people. Very interesting lesson on patience.

I get to listen to music while I work

My roommate and I got to talk last night. This might not seem important, but I had lived here for two days and we had no really met yet (except for seeing one another at work, once).

If you squeak your foot across the ground it makes a sound like that of R2D2

I am not going to have as much free time this summer as I would have guessed

Working for a Christian organization does not throw you into some euphoria of encouragement.

So those are just my thoughts on life as of right now. There is a lot going on. I am hoping that I can find a church this weekend to visit. I have some prospects.
God is working in me, as always, but right now there are some really specific things.
Overall, things are going pretty smoothly.

Hope all is well with you all in Louisville, Lexington, Gainesville, Milton, Colorado, etc.

In Christ,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Meant to get up around 6:45. Too excited for the day so I woke at 6:08.
Today is the first day of work, and I am pumped. It is strange because I am still kind of amazed that I get to go and experience working with the International Mission Board. But I am just going to jump into and see how it goes. Thinking back to December is strange: when I sent the vague and misguided email that somehow lead to a meeting with an IMB representative and the months of forms and waiting that eventually lead to this internship and a place to live in Richmond.

God has already begun to work on me. Last night the Holy Spirit jostled me around through a phone call from a friend. I wont go into specifics about the call, but I can tell what I realized for myself:
- Selfishness abounds in my heart
- Christ has done all that he is for love and the sake of his own name

Two things I "know", but haven't resonated with my heart for a great deal of time, and that is dangerous. Praise be to him for Ephesians 1, Romans 1-3, and Psalm 25. All great encouragement in a time of questions.

I miss those of you I have left. Thank you for your support, I couldn't be here without it. I am praying for many of you.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another Summer

I am off to Richmond to work at the International Mission Board's Global Research Department
I finished another two semesters at UofL
God is continually teaching me
I am dating Emily Grace Rickard

Sorry, this is going to be a quick first post, but I have to get on the road soon.

Wish everyone in KY the best, I will see you soon.
People's in Gainesville, I miss you and I am excited to see you after the internship.

In Christ,