Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Meant to get up around 6:45. Too excited for the day so I woke at 6:08.
Today is the first day of work, and I am pumped. It is strange because I am still kind of amazed that I get to go and experience working with the International Mission Board. But I am just going to jump into and see how it goes. Thinking back to December is strange: when I sent the vague and misguided email that somehow lead to a meeting with an IMB representative and the months of forms and waiting that eventually lead to this internship and a place to live in Richmond.

God has already begun to work on me. Last night the Holy Spirit jostled me around through a phone call from a friend. I wont go into specifics about the call, but I can tell what I realized for myself:
- Selfishness abounds in my heart
- Christ has done all that he is for love and the sake of his own name

Two things I "know", but haven't resonated with my heart for a great deal of time, and that is dangerous. Praise be to him for Ephesians 1, Romans 1-3, and Psalm 25. All great encouragement in a time of questions.

I miss those of you I have left. Thank you for your support, I couldn't be here without it. I am praying for many of you.


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