Sunday, June 8, 2008


5K mud run was yesterday. One of the most fun times I have every had running, but at the same time one of the worst. We ran 3 laps around a mountain track that ended each time with a trek through a bunch of mud. Obviously we were very dirty by the end and very cold. I can't remember the last time I was that cold (if any of the hillians are reading this, it was like playing rugby in BH park and then hosing off at Jake's house. Expect a bit colder...and at 8,150 feet). It was a great time for everyone to come together and have some fun.

Needless to say I was exhausted waking this morning. So today has been a day of rest for most.

Yesterday was pretty much all about the Teva games. Mountain biking and climbing were the big two. The bouldering world cup was going on yesterday. So I am happy to say I got to see team USA preform well against the likes of Italy, France, Japan, etc. I can't say how cool it was to see the USA team bouldering.

A few of us got to be volunteers at the feed station for the mountain biking races. This was somewhat boring unless the bikers were coming through, but it's still fun being on the mountain getting to see some of the best compete. Some of the bikers were in the Teva mountain challenge, which included to biking race as well as kayaking, climbing, and trail running consecutively. Pretty intense.

Pics that I have from the games are here

Here are some more videos. These are from yesterday:

here is a video of the fly fishing comp. This one is for you dad. See if you can pick up a pointer or two from the pros.

On top of info about the Teva games I wanted to share something about this mornings message at The Vail Church. It was about wisdom, and derived from James 3:13-end. The idea is that wisdom = relationships. It isn't quite this basic, but check out the scripture and see what I mean. True wisdom comes from above. Knowledge form this world puffs up but love builds up.

By the way. To those in KY. No matter how much fun I have in Vail I miss all of you. Roommates at the Harlan house I hope everything is going well. And to you in Fl. I love you.

In Christ,


Unknown said...

What an amazing picture of you guys playing ultimate. It just screams "Look- it's The Glory of God!" Too bad there is an interstate instead of a mountain range at the waterfront:) And the video of the dog is unbelievable! I have never seen a dog jump that high... ever. They should give it a cape. I guess it's because I have never seen "hard core climbing" but that was ridiculous! Those guys were sideways and just hanging out. A 5k run partially through mud sounds right up your alley. I bet that was fun trying to clean up. I read the passage in James. Interestingly enough, I think it's usually overshadowed by the "Taming the tongue" bit. To me, it was also a reminder of how thinking we have wisdom through our own ambitions and personal gain only leads to disorder. Here we all are trying to plan our OWN lives through our OWN efforts. I think so many times we forget who is really in control. But, I know that you know all of this. Anyway, nice passage. So we had free lunch today after Sunday School. John was missing though. He has lots of intern duties that keep him pretty occupied. On Thurs nights we are doing a bible study around the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It's pretty good so far. Ok, enough updating. We are still praying for you here in Lville... We miss you too!

Unknown said...

LOVE the Mud Run pictures from Brittany's blog and your smiling face!!!! :-)