Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I am unsure what to write, but I have been given a sliver of internet time, so I am taking advantage of it.

Work has been going well. I identified 40 people groups today, which is higher than I have gotten before, so I am thankful for that. I am continuing to meet people throughout the day. Getting to know the other interns better. I am hopeful that we will be able to strike up some good relationships.

I am into Deuteronomy 4, which is great. Reading through scripture these past weeks has been a huge blessing. Something I wanted to write earlier this week:

I don't have the exact scripture in front of me, but I will paraphrase.

When Israel is wandering in the desert they begin to grumble. God begins to consume them. This is crazy. Who would have thought that grumbling is such a large offense. However, they were grumbling against the Lord, lacking trust in Him, turning from him. Thousands of Israelites are killed in the process because God's anger burned against them and the fringes of the camp were destroyed.
This happens a second time, the Israelites grumble, and God sends a plague on them, and thousands are killed.

Leviticus 3:22
"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail."

Instead God forgives us, and separates our sin from us, as far as the east is from the west.
I grumbled today. I know I lost hope in God and turned from Him and forgot him today. But God forgives me, he clothes me in Christ for the selfishness and pride I exhibit today, tomorrow, and the next day. Furthermore he forgives all my past sins. Not just those that I know I committed, but even more those that I don't even realize I commit.

Reminds me of something David Crowder said. "We were bought with a kiss but the cheek still turned even when it wasn't hit and I don't know what to do with a love like that."

It leads one to realize that God is love. He wanted to draw his people to Him from the start.

And furthermore, this realization gave a more serious tone to another scripture I have been focused on. Philippians 2:14 "Do all things without grumbling or disputing". This is a serious command. It is what God wants us to do, for our betterment, and because he wants us to be like Him, and love Him, and trust Him.

Wish I had more time to hash all this out. Thanks for reading my crazy stream of conscious regardless of the lack of organization.

Praying for you


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