Friday, June 13, 2008

It Happened here

So i just got back from seeing "The Happening". Do not go see the movie. I don't even want to elaborate.

As far as today goes, it was quite a busy one at the Red Lion. I ended up spilling a whole lot of stuff, including both garbage and food, onto me. So much that a change of clothing was required. But it was still great talking to people and finding out that some of my co-workers (not crusaders) want to go hiking with me. 
Furthermore we had a cookout tonight that was awesome. Gave us a good opportunity to hang out and talk with one another, and eat some awesome food (if any of the girls are reading this you did a great job. And props to Jeremy for the grilling). 

Anyway. Tomorrow is a free day that will hopefully involve some hiking and biking, and maybe some productive stuff.

So to reiterate. Do not see "The Happening".  And I hope everything is going well in KY an FL. 

In Christ,

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